Do you need a tourist guide in Himachal ?Tourist guide in Himachal. Shimla to Kaza distance between and road states

Tourist guide in Himachal. Shimla to Kaza distance between and road states. If you are coming to Himachal Pradesh for the first time, then you may need that tourist guide if you have already visited a hill station and are aware of the way of the hills, then you will not have any problem coming here but three Things you have to pay attention to.

Keep in mind that in which season you are going for traveling or hiking in Himachal Pradesh, if you already know the way, then it is very good, otherwise, you need a tourist guide because the weather can be bad at any time.
Photo by Any Lane from Pexels

As if you have gone out on trekking and there is no person with you who has already done trekking on this track, then you may forget the way or maybe there is too much snowfall or rain on the place. If where the weather changes completely, then you people will need a good tourist guide

As it is the winter season now and tourists come from outside, ie Punjab Haryana Chandigarh, they come to Himachal to see snow during the snowfall and to celebrate their picnic, then this time when the snow falls on the road, those people There are many problems in driving a car.

Many Chandigarh and Delhi trains do not have snow tires, due to which their vehicle slips in the hill area and they also suffer a lot of damage, many times this situation becomes very bad, then an expert driving you at that time Or the local driver is required

If there is such a situation, then you must consult an expert Or if you find a good driver then it will be good for you

Now know what to do if you are going on a long trek to the mountains and you have no information about that planet.

Wherever this track starts from you, there is a way to ask people about the track tomorrow and there is no danger of wild animals there.

And all of you are requested to keep your GPS location or GPS with you and send the link to your family members in advance so that they can track your location in any situation.

The best and best advice for you will be that you can see the full map of that track on Google Earth so that you do not have any problem going there, you will also be able to calculate the risk according to your own if you have already moved Trekking to the area

What you should do if your car does not have snow tires and you have to drive in snow?

On the way you will see two types of snow, black snow, and white snow, then black snow is more dangerous than white snow.

You will have to make a little change in your tires, if possible, reduce the front tire a little bit due to which the attraction of the vehicle will increase much more than the road and you drive your vehicle slowly.

If you are driving a car from a sloping place, then listen black if you are on the road, then you avoid the brakes completely, due to which your car can also be disabled and it can move around on the road. Never put a brake at all, never brake at all, which will be dangerous for you

One more thing, you are at a reasonable distance from the car ahead of you, many times the car ahead of you is on the slope or it can slip in the climb, so you drive very cautiously.

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